
Classic Hello World in Java

Example of Classic "Hello! World" 1. Open any Code Editor (Eclipse is one of the most popular code editor) and create a Class by name FirstJavaProgram 2. If you are using Eclipse (either Neon, Oxygen, photon or  any other ..) , simply open Eclipse and go to File, then scroll down to  "New" and then scroll to "Project" and click on Project 3. In the "New Project" wizard Select "Java Project" 4.  In the "Create a Java Project" wizard, give a name of your project. Example: MyNewProject 5. Click "Finish" 6. A new empty Java Project is created which you can see in Package explorer on the left panel 7. Now, right click on the newly created Project and select "New" and scroll and click on "Class"in the wizard "Java Class".  Give a name of your java class. Example: FirstJavaProgram 8. In the bottom portion of the wizard, you will notice few check  boxes, you should select first check b...

Java Programming Language Introduction 1:-

What is a Variable? A variable is a named entity within a program that stores a value. A variable is fundamental to every program (in any language). Example: Char CarType [Sedan, Sptorts, Van, Electrical, Hybrid]                 CarType is a variable which has 5 array variable. Variable could be defined as a single                        variable or an array variable. What is a Type? Each variable within a Java program has a type. The type could be a primitive such as a number,a built-in class such a string, or a user-defined class. Char, int, number, float, string etc. A primitive data type: A char (for character), a byte (for a single 8-bit value), an int (for 32-bit integer), a short (for a 16-bit integer), a long (for a 64-bit integer), a float (single-precision floating point number) or a double (double-precision floating point number). A built-in Java class: Fo...

How to Create an Issue in JIRA (2)

Creating issues and sub-tasks The building blocks of any project are issues. Issues act as the packets of work that travel through their respective workflows within their projects, until the work is completed. An issue may also have sub-tasks that can be assigned and tracked individually, as well as issue level security to restrict the issue to select members of your team. On this page, you'll learn more about creating and converting issues and sub-tasks, and setting issue level security. If you are looking to import multiple issues (and sub-tasks) using a CSV file, you can find the import process explained in more detail  here . Before you begin You need the  Create Issue  project permission for the issue's relevant project. Creating an issue Click  Create  at the top of the screen to open the  Create Issue  dialog box. Select the relevant  Project  and  Issue Type  in the  Create Issue  dialog box...

How to Start a Software Project in JIRA (Project Management Tool for Developers and Testers)

A JIRA Software project is a collection of issues and tools that allows your team to coordinate the development of a piece of software. Every project contains configurable boards and workflows that you can create and customize to fit your team’s needs. Signup in JIRA with User ID and Password provided by your Company. Choose  Projects  >  Create Project  from the header and then select your project type. Scrum:  We generally recommend this project type to teams working with an iteration-based approach to development. Scrum projects use boards to help your team release new versions on a regular schedule. Kanban:  Kanban projects, which also use boards, are better suited for a continuous flow of work (e.g. service-oriented teams), where its constraint-based approach helps prevent your team from being overloaded. Basic software development:  Teams who just need a basic workflow to start tracking new features and bugs can use this template. B...

Java Programming Language Class, Interface (Class vs Interface)

Java Programming Language: Classes vs. Interfaces What is a class?Classes in Java are almost the same as C++ classes, in that they define an abstract datatype, with its particular fields and methods. Each object is an instance of a class, and follows the class prototype that defines the variables and methods common to all objects of a certain kind. Each instance of a class must be instantiated, after it is declared, unlike in C++. This is usually done with the keyword   "new" . Classes may have inheritance from other classes, as they do in C++, meaning they incherit all the properties of the parent class. This is usually done with the keyword   "extends" . So for example, a simple sub-class declaration with inheritance from another class might look like this: class Window extends Frame {} The new class is window which contains all the properties of a Frame. Mind you, sub-classes are not limited to the properties they inherit, they may add variable...

User Story Example !!

Examples (for the list account balances user story) A. Given the customer has one credit account and one savings account  i) When they have logged in successfully  ii) Then the two accounts will be listed in account number order (Account no, Name,           Balance, Available Funds) B. Given the customer has no accounts      i) When they have logged in successfully      ii) Then a message indicating that there are no accounts to show will be displayed C. Given the customer has twenty one accounts         i) When they have logged in successfully       ii) Then the first twenty accounts will be listed in account number order       iii) And a Next Page option will be enabled D. Given the customer has twenty five accounts         i) And they have logged in successfully       ii) And they are on the first page of the list   ...

Agile ! how does it work ?
