Classic Hello World in Java
Example of Classic "Hello! World" 1. Open any Code Editor (Eclipse is one of the most popular code editor) and create a Class by name FirstJavaProgram 2. If you are using Eclipse (either Neon, Oxygen, photon or any other ..) , simply open Eclipse and go to File, then scroll down to "New" and then scroll to "Project" and click on Project 3. In the "New Project" wizard Select "Java Project" 4. In the "Create a Java Project" wizard, give a name of your project. Example: MyNewProject 5. Click "Finish" 6. A new empty Java Project is created which you can see in Package explorer on the left panel 7. Now, right click on the newly created Project and select "New" and scroll and click on "Class"in the wizard "Java Class". Give a name of your java class. Example: FirstJavaProgram 8. In the bottom portion of the wizard, you will notice few check boxes, you should select first check b...